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Title: A Retrospective case study of Natrum Muriaticum
Authors: Lohita, S
Vargheese, Winston
Keywords: Natrum Muriaticum, Sphere of Action, Mental and physical, particulars generals.
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Department of Materia Medica
Abstract: One of the most often utilised polychrest drugs in homoeopathy is Natrum muriaticum. It is made from regular table salt and is a member of the mineral family. It is sometimes referred to as table salt, common salt, sodium chloride, and chloride of sodium, was proved by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. It is one of the deep acting and constitutional remedy.
Description: This study helps to understand the evolution of Natrum muriaticum in clinical situations are- Female and female child male and male child.
Appears in Collections:2023

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