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Title: A study on Evaluating succession of Antimiasmatic Remedies in Lumbar Spondylosis
Authors: Nivetha, K.S
Narayan, Manoj.V
Keywords: Antimiasmatic remedies, Degeneration, Homoeopathy, Lumbar spondylosis, Succession
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Department of Organon of Medicine
Abstract: Lumbar pain usually affects almost 80% of the population. Lumbar pain is a characteristic feature of many chronic disease, one among them is Lumbar Spondylosis. It is one of the most common disease that affects the general population. As the pathology progresses, the pain will be ongoing and will be present even during rest and also the area of pain will be preferably widespread and will become chronic in nature. Homeopathy is a complementary system of medicine that follows a holistic approach. Homeopathy follows a personalized approach in treatment of chronic disease such as Lumbar spondylosis. It is highly precise and has proved to be effective in alleviating the complaints. The potency to be administered in each case is selected based on the susceptibility of the individual
Description: The study shows that succession of antimiasmatic remedies is effective in the treatment of lumbar spondylosis
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